Website For Schools and Colleges | Echotech Lab

Web App For
Educational Institute

No matter how big or small your institute is, web app will fits all and it is everything an institute will ever need.


1 - 300 Student

This plan is suitable for StartUps

  • Free Trail:
    15 Days Free Trail
  • Access Type:
    IP Base Access
    can be configured under your domain name
  • SSL:
    Free SSL Certificate
  • Billed:

  • Google Cloud Hosting
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301 - 600 Students

Suitable for Mid Size

  • Free Trail:
    15 Days Free Trail
  • Access Type:
    IP Base Access
    but can be configured under your domain name
  • SSL:
    Free SSL Certificate
  • Billed:

  • Google Cloud Hosting
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600+ Users

For Large Institutes

  • Free Trail:
    15 Days Free Trail
  • Access Type:
    IP Base Access
    but can be configured under your domain name
  • SSL:
    Free SSL Certificate
  • Billed:

  • AWS WordPress Hosting
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It is a online institute administration management system. With few key stroke and mouse click it give data which help to make better decision. It is designed to handle a university, college or school of all size. It is affordable and best ERP for any educational institute. This ERP system is developed by QDOCS India Team in collaboration with ECHOTECH LAB. It is highly customizable; more than 200+ features which covert the manual task for an institute into single centralized platform.

We are offering the following plans with standard configuration and features as mention below. Although we also offer customisation service, addons like student mobile apps, parents app, etc.

You get free 60 days Free trail for

The following services are included with all plans :

  • Installation,
  • Set Up
  • License [Included]
  • DNG Configuration
  • Documentation & Support
  • Free Video Lessons
  • Front End Website Set Up
  • Form Customisation
  • SSL Certificate
  • Free Sub-Domain

Institute Using across 10 countries


students using on daily basis


Teachers using to remain connected with students


Satisfaction rate, check out
our customer reviews

Admin Features List

Multiple features are grouped into module and there are 20 such modules,
Below are the modules that comes with stadard configuration.
Four Portals for School

04 (Four) Portals

There are four portals – (1). Students Portal, (2). Parents Portal, (3). Teacher’s portal and (3). Admin Portal. Student, teachers and parents have limited access control, but admin have full access & control.

School Front Office Management

Front Office Management

This module help to keep record of admission enquiry, visitors book, postal dispatch, postal receive, complain, phone logs, etc.

Online Admission System

Online Admission

Students can apply for online admission, upload document, institute can review, accept or keep them on waiting, . Institute can turn on and off online admission portal.

Student Management System

Student Management

This module keep record of students profile,his/her emergency contact details, marks scored, confidential records, exam appeared, attendance record, documents, etc.

Fees Management Management System

Fees Management

Keep track of paid and up-paid fees, collect full fee or partial, mode of payment, give concession to specific individual or group, generate fee collection report , and many more.

Online Fee Collection

Online Fee Collection

Students and parents can pay their fee online via payment gateway. There are 14 (Fourteen) payment gateways integrated choose anyone of them and start collecting fee online.

Income & Expense Management

Income & Expense

This module helps in keeping track of all kinds of income, like donation, fees, etc. Keep record of all expenses, give you better data with few click to make better decision.

Attendance Module

Attendance Module

Whether Day wise attendance or lecture wise attendance, this module help to keep track of attendance and with few click, various attendance report can be generated.

Examination Marks Management

Examination Marks

This module helps in keeping record of marks scored by students, based on that students can be promote, mark-sheets can be printed, keep record of achievements, etc.

Online Examination System

Online Examination

Store questions in question bank and conduction online exams, students can participate from anywhere using any device ( mobile device or PC) connected to internet.

Lesson Plan Module

Lesson Plan

It helps to organize and plan the entire course in a systematic way , so that teachers can follow the lesson plan and complete lesson according to the plan, progess can be monitored.

Time Table Management Module

Time Table Management

Organize class / lecture timetable, assign teach to each lecture. Teachers & students can see their respective timetable upon logged to the portal.

Subject Management Module

Subject Management

It helps to manage the subjects and assign it to a specific teacher. Subject can be grouped grade wise, help to mange it easily without confusion.

Assignment Management Module

Assignment Management

Teacher can share assignment online, set submission date, student can upload completed assignments & teacher can evaluate & allot marks.

Human Resource Management Module

Human Resource

Keeps record of teaching and non-teaching staffs, their personal, qualification, salary and bank details. Keep track of paid and unpaid leave, leave taken, leave remaining, etc.

Alumni Management Module

Alumni Management

Keep record of alumni’s, and their entire academic history in the system using this module. With few key stroke and mouse click details of any alumni can be retrieved.

Transport Management Module

Transport Management

Keep track of routes, transport fee, driver license details, expenses, and everything required to mange transport of any institute

Stationary Management

Stationary Management

This module helps to keep track of inventory, sale, purchase, payment and supplier details.

Certificate Designing & Printing

Design & Print

Design certificate, admit Card, marksheet and print them in bulk, system will automatically take care of marks, grade, name, etc

Hostel Management

Hostel Management

Create different types of floor, rooms, bed, veg or non-veg mess, different price for different type of room / bed, allot them to a student, keep record of paid and unpaid hostel fee, etc.

Report Module

Report Module

Generate fees collection reports, student attendance report, lesson plan report, expense report, income report, exam report, student performance report, there are 300+ types reports. Each report can be exported as a Excel File or PDF.

User Access Role Management

Access Role Management

This help you to create unlimited type of users, Suppose you created a user who managed library, give access to only library, or someone who collect fee, give him/her access to fee module, and so on.

Backup and restore

Backup & Restore

With one click take backup of the entire database and restore from it whenever needed.

Free Migrations Included


We have an API for custom mobile app development. This allows for extensive customizations and work flows.

Addons [ Premium ]

  • Integration with WordPress Front Website.
  • Mobile App for Parents & Students.
  • Customization Service
  • On-Site Traing & Support.
  • Zoom API Integration For Live Classes
  • On-site training and suport
  • WhatsApp Api integrations
  • AWS S3 bucket for storing large file
  • Load Balancing for online exam

How It Works ?

Transparent & easy process.


Request For Free Demo

We provide 15 Days Trail @ $5. This amount is charged to avoid spammers. Please request for it, and try for 15 days.


Try Demo & Get Answered

Try demo and clear all your doubts before you buy


Place Oder

Once you are satisfied, place the order, share you business details, domain name if you have, rest we will take care


Getting it live

Once we recieve payment, our technical team will customised it as per your institute and make it live under your domain name for you. And we share the login details. It probably take around 12-24 hours. Customization which required more than 10 man hours are chargeable.


Support & Training

SMART PRO is developed keeping simplicity in mind, it is very simple & easy to use, yet powerful. We have video lessons for almost all topics. Still if you need our help, just crete a ticket, we will be right there. We have average 15 mins response time.

Hire dedicated professional

Want to speak to us ?

Feel free to get in touch.

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Explore Other Services and Packages

We offer a variety of intelligently designed, customizable, feature-rich and cost-effective packages to fulfil the requirements of different segments of the industry to sharpen your competitive edge for exponential business growth.


1. How to request for a personlised demo ?

Just fill the form below and request for a personalised demo, one of our executive will get in touch with you and will provide you everything that is needed. $5 will be charged for trail, this amount is charged to avoid spammers. No other amount will be deducted for 15 days.

2. Can i import student using Excel File?

Yes of course! You can easily upload bulk student details using excel file.

3. Can you brand it under my Institute name ?

Yes ofcourse

5. How long does it take to setup?

It may take upto 12-72 hours or more, to setup under your domain name, it depends on the requirement.

5. What hardwares are required?

All you need is a device connected to internet to acces it. You do not need to install any software, it is cloud based, we take care of everything.

6. Do it need to be installed ?

No, its a cloud based, you do not need to install any software, you can start using it, using internet browser like, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.

7. Can i use it offline ?

As it is a cloud based, you will need internet to access it.

8. Can i have it on-premises ?

Yes, we can install it on your server on your premises, but the price will be different.

9. Do you take care of the backup ?

Yes we do weekly backup, but you also have option to take backup of the entire database and download it anytime you want from the admin portal of the e-billig. And keep it safe.

10. Can i access using my mobile phone ?

Yes, you can access from your mobile phone or any device connected to internet, and keep track of the sale, purchase, inventory on the go!
this is not possible with ofline version or with on-premises version of the software.

Echotech Lab

Enquiry Form

Personal Details

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Echotech Lab

Share your thoughts to help us to design and develop a disruptive solution for you. Schedule a free live one-on-one meeting with experts.

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What People has to say About us and our Services

  • Client testimonial
    Derek Newton
    Founder @

    "Very pleased with service, very happy with product. Went well beyond scope of project and offered thoughtful advice. Happy to help a novice and explain what was happening, though also happy to just do it without unnecessary back and forth. I was extremely happy. Not only would I hire again, I am currently discussing retaining them for ongoing work."

  • Client testimonial
    Tony Uphoff
    CEO @

    "Hi everybody, I can say only good things about Echotech Lab. The development team and the customer service has been second to none; I call them my ANGELS because they have been able to assist my works wit......"

  • Echotech Lab review
    Peter Fernandes

    "Whenever I have needed a design or html Echotech Lab has always been available. Not only are they always available but they do a very professional job and they are doing this on a great price that is hard......"

  • Echotech Lab review
    Jahir Abbas

    "We were very impressed with Echotech Lab and their talented team with the results of our web design. It was done surprisingly quickly at unbeatable rates. We are glad we've made the right decision."

  • Web design review - Echotech Lab
    Andre P.
    Currecies Direct

    "They have been great, they migrated our office 365 and all the shared mailboxes, active directories very smoothly, i would like hire them again. "

  • Echotech Lab testimonials
    Harvansh Singh Sagar
    Vice President & CTO @ State Bank Of India

    "Echotech Lab has been of great help to our company. We have worked conjointly for many years now. They are a great partner and we have accomplished great endeavours alongside them. I would recommend them......"

  • Echotech Lab review
    Arvind Sangla
    CTO @

    "As a banking service provider, we wanted a clean and simple website that is pleasing on the eye, easy to use and something that would stand-out......"

  • Echotech Lab review
    Dipjyoti Dewri

    "Very much satisfied with the dynamic customer service approach and looking forward for more coming technology based advancement in near future......."